Spiritual Chapter 01 - "The True Meaning of Islam"
From: Spiritual Book 06 -
                    "The Truth and Unity of Man, Letters In Response To a Crisis",
Author of Book: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Outline and Summary Provided by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.
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Outline & Summary Version:

(Note: please click on one of the following Topics (e.g., Introduction) to go directly to
the summary & text for that Topic, or click on "go to summary" to read a "brief summary" of that Topic, as well as a "brief summary" of all the other Topics, if you like, before going to the Summary & Text for that Topic)

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Outline of Chapter 01:
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End of Outline of Chapter 01:

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                                                                                                              - go to Summary of Chapter
Additional Wisdom Points: provided by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) - no supporting text available.  Click on "go to summary" to read a summary of the Topic.

14.  Only God is Great
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15.  The Warriors of God For Each Age
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16.  The Purpose of the Holy Qur'an in Each Age
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17.  How To Properly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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18.  How To Improperly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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Summary of Chapter 01:
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1.  Introduction
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No summary available.
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2.  The True Message Within the Qur'an
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The true message within the Qur'an is to bring about brotherhood and unity, to sooth and comfort those who weep in sorrow and suffer, to explain the bounteous wealth of God to those who are poor, and to inspire faith in those without faith in God, and to help them reach a state of reverence for God.
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3.  How Not To Use The Qur'an
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Do not use the Qur'an as a banner to carry into battle, or as a way to impose or prove your own personal understanding and belief upon others, do not use it in ignorance of the inner wisdom or consciousness of the qualities of God within your own life.
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4.  The Nature of Iman-Islam
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Iman-Islam is the state of one who has the purity of Islam and the true faith of Iman, the state of one who cannot hurt the heart of another, or view them as separate from his own life.
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5.  The Law of the Qur'an
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The Law of the Qur'an is that only the qualities of God, which are the 99 powers or attributes of the grace of Allah, that God has personally and ever so lovingly hidden within each of us, even before we were born into this world, are permitted in the life a true believer in God, that for one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam, anything existing outside of these qualities of God within us is haram, forbidden, or evil, and only that which exists within these divine qualities of God within us is halal, permissible, or good.
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6.  What Is Against The Law of the Qur'an
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What is against the Law of the Qur'an is the keeping of anything other than the qualities of God within us, is the keeping of anything other than the 99 attributes or power of the grace of Allah within us.
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7.  Only God Knows All of Everything
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Only God knows all of everything, and only God can correctly judge the state of anyone, can correctly judge whether a person has Iman (true faith), has perfected his faith in God, and whether a person is living in the true state of Islam, has purified his heart, so don't try and judge the state of other people, groups, or countries, and wage war (jihad or holy war) on them, instead, wage war or jihad only on yourself, only wage war within yourself to defeat the demonic forces and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your own heart
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8.  The Reason God Sent The Qur'an To Each Age
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God sent His "Prophets and their Message" to each age as witnesses to the grace and attributes of God given to each age, to support each of us in our inner battle or holy war (jihad) for our age, and to help us to win victory over our own evil desires
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9.  How Do We Fight Our Inner Holy War, Our Inner Jihad
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To fight our inner Holy War or Jihad we must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to make our mind sit down, and then join with our wisdom to defeat our own compulsive desires, transforming our outer battles in the world into the true Holy War (jihad) within us, and in this way, revealing the light of God within our outer darkness, revealing our true life within our false life, revealing our life of "Oneness with" God within our life of "separation from" God, revealing the honey of our life within the bitterness of our life
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10.  The Value of the Light of Islam Within Us
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The Value of the Light of Islam, of the Prophet and the Qur'an, Within Us is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life

The value of t he Light of Islam is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life
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11. An Explanation of the Truth In The Qur'an
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An explanation of the truth that is in the Qur'an within us, of the truth that is within each of us, if that be our wish, is an explanation of the truth of the 99 within the 99, within the 99, within the 99, within the , within each of us living in this age.

And we can receive this explanation of the truth within us, of the truth within the Qur'an within us, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the wisdom that explains within us, as the grace of the Dhat of God within us.

And in this way, if we will but let our soul join with the Light of our wisdom, with the true consciousness of Muhammad (Sal.) within us, with the Nur Muhammad within us, that can be found within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, allowing the Nur Muhammad within us to reveal the Dhat of God, the Essence of God, within all lives within us, within the Creation of God within us.

Allowing God and True Man to finish what They have started within each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us

(Note: the 99 are the qualities of God's grace within us, the Asma' al-husna, the form or sifat of the Dhat of God within us, the manifestation of His essence within us, that has been hidden by God within each of us, within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, which when revealed by the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Holy Qur'an within us becomes the Dhat of God within God within us, becomes our innermost heart within our purified heart within us, becomes the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, becomes the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, becomes the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within the Triple Flame of God within us, within -Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within us, becomes Everything within the Essence of the Power within the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, the next world within this world within us, becomes akhirah within the dunya within us, becomes the arsh al-mu'mim, the Throne of the True Believer, within the Kingdom of God within us. Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar)
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12. The True Meaning of Islam
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The true meaning of Islam is to realize that every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God, and having realized this, without the slightest doubt, to act accordingly, to never harm anyone, to never take revenge or be treacherous toward anyone
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13. What We Must Do To Be True Islam
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We who strive to be True Islam must give up our sinful lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God, we must give up the hell caused by our attachments in the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace, we must incorporate the 99 compassionate powers of God as the basis of our actions, and as the law of our life, and in this way, discover God's mercy and compassion within our very own life

Additional Wisdom Points:

[Note: as provided by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), and inspired from a study and analysis of this beautiful discourse by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)].
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14.  Only God is Great
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Only God is great, not you or I or anything else, for the value of anything is only that it contains the greatness of God, not that it contains any intrinsic value of its own as "separate from" the Greatness of God within it.

In this way, the greatness of anything is only that it contains the 99 attributes or powers of the grace of Allah, which can be revealed within each of us, if, and only if, like the Rasulullah (Sal.) demonstrated to us, we join with God within us to reveal it. 

Other than this greatness, wealth, and power of God within everything, there is no greatness, or wealth, or power within anything or anyone (provided as a supplement to Item 7 above).
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15. The Warriors of God For Each Age
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The warriors of God for each age are those within each age who join with their wisdom within them and with the truth of God within their wisdom, who join with their Shaikh within them, and with God within Him, to allow God and True Man within them to accomplish what God and True Man have set out to accomplish within them in their age.

In order to complete the intention of God and True Man within us for each age, as part of Their intention for creating man in the first place, which is God revealing True Man within the Creation of God, and True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and the Creation of True Man within us (provided as a supplement to Item 9 above, especially, the following text from His Holiness,

          "We must use the wisdom or divine consciousness within the Qur'an to
          correct yourself")
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16. The Purpose of the Holy Qur'an in Each Age
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The purpose of the Holy Qur'an in each age is to move forward what They are doing within us in each age, to move forward what God and True Man are doing within us in each age, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, which is to reveal the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.
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17. How To Properly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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To properly use the holy Qur'an in our age we must join our life with the life of God within us, with our wisdom and with the truth of God within your wisdom, we must join our life as One with our Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, becoming in this way, the Oneness of the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us.

To properly use the Holy Qur'an in our age we must use the Qur'an to become the Common Wealth of God for our age.
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18.  How To Improperly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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To improperly use the Holy Qur'an in our age is to use the Holy Qur'an for our own personal benefit, for the benefit the life of "separation and differences" that we are currently living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

To improperly use the Holy Qur'an in our age is to use the Qur'an to accumulate personal wealth for our age, like titles, praise, position, and power, or personal things of a similar nature.

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Summary & Text of Chapter 01:
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1.  Introduction

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. Al-hamdu lillah.  May all praise be for God alone. Tawakul Allah.  May we give the entire responsibility for our lives to that One God who is limitless grace and incomparable love.

Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us.  May God fill the lives of all who may read this message.
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2.  The True Message Within the Qur'an - is to bring about brotherhood and unity, to sooth and comfort those who weep in sorrow and suffer, to explain the bounteous wealth of God to those who are poor, and to inspire faith in those without faith in God, and to help them reach a state of reverence for God

To all who say they believe in God, please realize with your faith that God hears every word you say.  God hears your every thought.  Realizing this, speak only what is truth and act only with God's qualities of love, compassion, justice, patience, and the realization that each life is as important as your own.

This is the true message within the Qur'an.  The Qur'an does not cause divisions among God's children.  It exists to bring about brotherhood and unity.

The Qur'an soothes those who weep in sorrow, and gives comfort to those who suffer.  To those who may be poor, it explains the bounteous wealth of God.  It inspires faith in those who may not have believed in God, and helps them reach a state of reverence for God.
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3.  How Not To Use The Qur'an - do not use it as a banner to carry into battle, or as a way to impose or prove your own personal understanding and belief upon others, do not use it in ignorance of the inner wisdom or consciousness of the qualities of God within your own life

Do not wave the words of the Qur'an as though they were a banner you were going to carry into battle.  Do not say,

          "The Qur'an says this, and the Qur'an says that",

Without truly understanding the inner wisdom of God's qualities within your own life.
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4.  The Nature of Iman-Islam - the state of one who has the purity of Islam and the true faith of Iman, the state of one who cannot hurt the heart of another, or view them as separate from his own life

If one has Iman (absolute, complete, unshakable faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists; the complete acceptance of the heart that God is One), he will see the seed of that purity that is Islam within everything.

He will see the power of Allah in every creation.  Therefore, he will not discriminate against another creation or discard him.

Anyone who has the purity of Islam and that true Iman within his heart, (the state of Iman-Islam), cannot hurt the heart of another in any manner.  Instead, he will have the patience of God (sabur) in dealing with others; he will use his gratitude to God (shukur) as the strength with which to comfort others; his praise for God (Al-hamdu lillah) will be the wealth he will share with others; and his total trust in God (tawwakul Allah) will be his own wealth, contentment, and security.
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5.  The Law of the Qur'an - is that only the qualities of God, which are the 99 powers or attributes of the grace of Allah, that God has personally and ever so lovingly hidden within each of us, even before we were born into this world, are permitted in the life a true believer in God, that for one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam, anything existing outside of these qualities of God within us is haram, forbidden, or evil, and only that which exists within these divine qualities of God within us is halal, permissible, or good

He will consider anything that does not exist as the quality of God (known in Islam as Allah's 99 names, attributes, or powers) as forbidden (haram), or evil.  Only that which exists within those divine qualities is permissible (halal), or good.

These attributes of the grace of God are the law of the Qur'an.  These divine attributes are the law within the heart of one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam.
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6.  What Is Against The Law of the Qur'an - is the keeping of anything other than the qualities of God within us, is the keeping of anything other than the 99 attributes or power of the grace of Allah within us

The capture of other lives and attacks against other countries is not the law (of the Qur'an). 

The Rasulullah (Muhammad, the Messenger of God, Sal.) did not try to keep anything other than God.  From the time of his appearance until the time he departed, the only wealth the Rasulullah (Sal.) displayed, and  the only power he showed, was the wealth and the power of God's qualities of compassion and grace.
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7.  Only God Knows All of Everything - and only God can correctly judge the state of anyone, can correctly judge whether a person has Iman (true faith), has perfected his faith in God, and whether a person is living in the true state of Islam, has purified his heart, so don't try and judge the state of other people, groups, or countries, and wage war (jihad or holy war) on them, instead, wage war or jihad only on yourself, only wage war within yourself to defeat the demonic forces and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your own heart

Children of any religion who have true faith must realize that God is the only One who knows all of everything.  Therefore, only God can judge whether a person has Iman (true faith) or not, and whether a person lives with that purity (of heart) that can be called Islam or not.  No one else can give that judgment.

Do not wave your religion like a banner and go out to capture others.  Only one kind of war is permissible in the eyes of God: the war you wage within yourself to defeat the demonic forces of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your heart.
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8.  The Reason God Sent The Qur'an To Each Age - God sent His "Prophets and their Message" to each age as witnesses to the grace and attributes of God given to each age, to support each of us in our inner battle or holy war (jihad) for our age, and to help us to win victory over our own evil desires

God has sent each of the prophets as witnesses to the grace of God (to the Qutbiyyat of God), and as supports to help us in this inner war (jihad).  This is the reason for the Qur'an. 

It is to help the true Muslim fight this inner battle, and to win victory over his own nafs (evil desires) that God sent the Messenger (Sal.) and the Qur'an.
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9.  How Do We Fight Our Inner Holy War, Our Inner Jihad - we must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to make our mind sit down, and then join with our wisdom to defeat our own compulsive desires, transforming our outer battles in the world into the true Holy War (jihad) within us, and in this way, revealing the light of God within our outer darkness, revealing our true life within our false life, revealing our life of "Oneness with" God within our life of "separation from" God, revealing the honey of our life within the bitterness of our life

We must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an (the Nur Muhammad) to spank our own naughty minds and defeat our own compulsive desires.  If we do that, what is called Islam will taste like honey. 

What we do now by battling in the world and calling it Islam tastes bitter and covers the light of the Qur'an (covers the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Qur'an) in darkness.
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10.  The Value of the Light of Islam Within Us - is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life

The light of Islam (the Nur Muhammad) should reveal the essence of God (the Dhat of God) in every life.  If we see that essence, then we will live in unity; we will eat from the same plate; we will live as one family whether some are in a church, some are in a mosque, or some are in their homes.

The beggar and the king will be able to pray together.  We will discover our own faults, discard our own anger, and embrace one another with love.  That is what the Qur'an says.

That is why we cannot tell lies, indulge in treachery, or threaten to kill other lives, and claim that it is being done in the name of Islam.

Islam teaches that we must recognize and praise the essence of God (the Dhat of God) as it exists in each and ever life.
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11.  An Explanation of the Truth In The Qur'an - of the truth that is within each of us, if that be our wish, an explanation of the truth of the 99 within the 99, within the 99, within the 99, within the , within each of us living in this age, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the wisdom that explains within us, as the grace of the Dhat of God within us, and in this way, let our soul join with the Light of our wisdom, with the true consciousness of Muhammad (Sal.) within us, with the Nur Muhammad within us, that can be found within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, allowing the Nur Muhammad within us to reveal the Dhat of God, the Essence of God, within all lives within us, within the Creation of God within us, allowing God and True Man to finish what They have started within each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in
truth is God and True Man within us

Consider this explanation of the truth that is in the Qur'an:

If you take a tiny atom and split it into 10 million particles, and take one of these particles and examine it with that true wisdom found within Islam, you will see within that one tiny particle 99 particles revolving around one another without touching.

(Note: the 99 are the qualities of God's grace within us, the Asma' al-husna, the form or sifat of the Dhat of God within us, the manifestation of His essence within us, that has been hidden by God within each of us, within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, which when revealed by the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Holy Qur'an within
us becomes the Dhat of God within God within us, becomes our innermost heart within our purified heart within us, becomes the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, becomes the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, becomes the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within the Triple Flame of God within us, within -
Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within us, becomes Everything within the Essence of the Power within the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, the next world within this world within us, becomes akhirah within the dunya within us, becomes the arsh al-mu'mim, the Throne of the True Believer, within the Kingdom of God within us.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar)

If you take one of these 99 particles and split it into 5 million particles and examine one of these pieces with that wisdom, again you will see 99 - 99 revolving around one another without touching.

And if you take one of those particles and split it into one million pieces and examine one piece, again you will see the same 99 particles revolving around one another.  If you take one of these and split it into 500,000 pieces, and take one of those particles and split it into 250,000 pieces, and take one of those and split it into 100,000 pieces, and then one of those into 10,000 pieces, and one of those into another 1,000 pieces, and if your take one of those infinitesimal particles and look within it with that wisdom, you will see 99: His 99 wilayats, or divine powers.
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12.  The True Meaning of Islam - is to realize that every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God, and having realized this, without the slightest doubt, to act accordingly, to never harm anyone, to never take revenge or be treacherous toward anyone

Every particle of every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God.  We who are Islam must realize this.  If we reflect on this, anyone who calls himself Islam will never harm anyone.  He will not wreak revenge.  He will not be treacherous toward anyone.

Islam must realize this.  Everyone who has faith in God must realize this.
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13.  What We Must Do To Be True Islam - we must give up our sinful lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God, we must give up the hell caused by our attachments in the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace, we must incorporate the 99 compassionate powers of God as the basis of our actions, and as the law of our life, and in this way, discover God's mercy and compassion within our very own life

All children of God, leave behind all lustful desires, and come to the plentitude of firm faith in God (Iman).  Give up anger, and come to the house of patience (sabur).  Give up the tendency toward vengeance and treachery and come into the house of contentment with God's wealth of grace (shakur).  Give up the hell caused by your attachment to the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace (the house of wisdom, of the Qutbiyyat of God).

Only when you incorporate His 99 compassionate powers, as the basis for your actions, and as the law for your life, can you discover even one atom - one tiny particle - of God's mercy and compassion.

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. Al-hamdu lillah.  May all praise and praising be to God alone, and may we have His peace in our hearts.  Amen.

Signed: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)

End of Spiritual Book 06
- Chapter 01 -
"The True Meaning of Islam"
- Outline & Summary Version -
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- "The Truth & Unity of Man":
                                        Chapter 02 - "First Letter To The Ayatollah Khomeini"
                                        Chapter 03 - "Letter To President Sadat"
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                                        Spiritual Book 05 - "The Asma'ul Husna -The 99 Names of God"
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Spiritual Chapter 01 - "The True Meaning of Islam"
From: Spiritual Book 06 -
                    "The Truth and Unity of Man, Letters In Response To a Crisis",
Author of Book: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Outline and Summary Provided by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.
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Outline & Summary Version:

(Note: please click on one of the following Topics (e.g., Introduction) to go directly to
the summary & text for that Topic, or click on "go to summary" to read a "brief summary" of that Topic, as well as a "brief summary" of all the other Topics, if you like, before going to the Summary & Text for that Topic)

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Outline of Chapter 01:
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End of Outline of Chapter 01:

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                                                                                                              - go to Summary of Chapter
Additional Wisdom Points: provided by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) - no supporting text available.  Click on "go to summary" to read a summary of the Topic.

14.  Only God is Great
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15.  The Warriors of God For Each Age
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16.  The Purpose of the Holy Qur'an in Each Age
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17.  How To Properly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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18.  How To Improperly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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Summary of Chapter 01:
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1.  Introduction
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No summary available.
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2.  The True Message Within the Qur'an
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The true message within the Qur'an is to bring about brotherhood and unity, to sooth and comfort those who weep in sorrow and suffer, to explain the bounteous wealth of God to those who are poor, and to inspire faith in those without faith in God, and to help them reach a state of reverence for God.
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3.  How Not To Use The Qur'an
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Do not use the Qur'an as a banner to carry into battle, or as a way to impose or prove your own personal understanding and belief upon others, do not use it in ignorance of the inner wisdom or consciousness of the qualities of God within your own life.
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4.  The Nature of Iman-Islam
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Iman-Islam is the state of one who has the purity of Islam and the true faith of Iman, the state of one who cannot hurt the heart of another, or view them as separate from his own life.
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5.  The Law of the Qur'an
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The Law of the Qur'an is that only the qualities of God, which are the 99 powers or attributes of the grace of Allah, that God has personally and ever so lovingly hidden within each of us, even before we were born into this world, are permitted in the life a true believer in God, that for one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam, anything existing outside of these qualities of God within us is haram, forbidden, or evil, and only that which exists within these divine qualities of God within us is halal, permissible, or good.
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6.  What Is Against The Law of the Qur'an
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What is against the Law of the Qur'an is the keeping of anything other than the qualities of God within us, is the keeping of anything other than the 99 attributes or power of the grace of Allah within us.
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7.  Only God Knows All of Everything
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Only God knows all of everything, and only God can correctly judge the state of anyone, can correctly judge whether a person has Iman (true faith), has perfected his faith in God, and whether a person is living in the true state of Islam, has purified his heart, so don't try and judge the state of other people, groups, or countries, and wage war (jihad or holy war) on them, instead, wage war or jihad only on yourself, only wage war within yourself to defeat the demonic forces and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your own heart
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8.  The Reason God Sent The Qur'an To Each Age
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God sent His "Prophets and their Message" to each age as witnesses to the grace and attributes of God given to each age, to support each of us in our inner battle or holy war (jihad) for our age, and to help us to win victory over our own evil desires
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9.  How Do We Fight Our Inner Holy War, Our Inner Jihad
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To fight our inner Holy War or Jihad we must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to make our mind sit down, and then join with our wisdom to defeat our own compulsive desires, transforming our outer battles in the world into the true Holy War (jihad) within us, and in this way, revealing the light of God within our outer darkness, revealing our true life within our false life, revealing our life of "Oneness with" God within our life of "separation from" God, revealing the honey of our life within the bitterness of our life
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10.  The Value of the Light of Islam Within Us
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The Value of the Light of Islam, of the Prophet and the Qur'an, Within Us is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life

The value of t he Light of Islam is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life
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11. An Explanation of the Truth In The Qur'an
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An explanation of the truth that is in the Qur'an within us, of the truth that is within each of us, if that be our wish, is an explanation of the truth of the 99 within the 99, within the 99, within the 99, within the , within each of us living in this age.

And we can receive this explanation of the truth within us, of the truth within the Qur'an within us, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the wisdom that explains within us, as the grace of the Dhat of God within us.

And in this way, if we will but let our soul join with the Light of our wisdom, with the true consciousness of Muhammad (Sal.) within us, with the Nur Muhammad within us, that can be found within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, allowing the Nur Muhammad within us to reveal the Dhat of God, the Essence of God, within all lives within us, within the Creation of God within us.

Allowing God and True Man to finish what They have started within each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us

(Note: the 99 are the qualities of God's grace within us, the Asma' al-husna, the form or sifat of the Dhat of God within us, the manifestation of His essence within us, that has been hidden by God within each of us, within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, which when revealed by the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Holy Qur'an within us becomes the Dhat of God within God within us, becomes our innermost heart within our purified heart within us, becomes the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, becomes the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, becomes the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within the Triple Flame of God within us, within -Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within us, becomes Everything within the Essence of the Power within the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, the next world within this world within us, becomes akhirah within the dunya within us, becomes the arsh al-mu'mim, the Throne of the True Believer, within the Kingdom of God within us. Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar)
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12. The True Meaning of Islam
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The true meaning of Islam is to realize that every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God, and having realized this, without the slightest doubt, to act accordingly, to never harm anyone, to never take revenge or be treacherous toward anyone
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13. What We Must Do To Be True Islam
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We who strive to be True Islam must give up our sinful lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God, we must give up the hell caused by our attachments in the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace, we must incorporate the 99 compassionate powers of God as the basis of our actions, and as the law of our life, and in this way, discover God's mercy and compassion within our very own life

Additional Wisdom Points:

[Note: as provided by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), and inspired from a study and analysis of this beautiful discourse by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)].
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14.  Only God is Great
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Only God is great, not you or I or anything else, for the value of anything is only that it contains the greatness of God, not that it contains any intrinsic value of its own as "separate from" the Greatness of God within it.

In this way, the greatness of anything is only that it contains the 99 attributes or powers of the grace of Allah, which can be revealed within each of us, if, and only if, like the Rasulullah (Sal.) demonstrated to us, we join with God within us to reveal it. 

Other than this greatness, wealth, and power of God within everything, there is no greatness, or wealth, or power within anything or anyone (provided as a supplement to Item 7 above).
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15. The Warriors of God For Each Age
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The warriors of God for each age are those within each age who join with their wisdom within them and with the truth of God within their wisdom, who join with their Shaikh within them, and with God within Him, to allow God and True Man within them to accomplish what God and True Man have set out to accomplish within them in their age.

In order to complete the intention of God and True Man within us for each age, as part of Their intention for creating man in the first place, which is God revealing True Man within the Creation of God, and True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and the Creation of True Man within us (provided as a supplement to Item 9 above, especially, the following text from His Holiness,

          "We must use the wisdom or divine consciousness within the Qur'an to
          correct yourself")
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16. The Purpose of the Holy Qur'an in Each Age
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The purpose of the Holy Qur'an in each age is to move forward what They are doing within us in each age, to move forward what God and True Man are doing within us in each age, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, which is to reveal the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.
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17. How To Properly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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To properly use the holy Qur'an in our age we must join our life with the life of God within us, with our wisdom and with the truth of God within your wisdom, we must join our life as One with our Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, becoming in this way, the Oneness of the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us.

To properly use the Holy Qur'an in our age we must use the Qur'an to become the Common Wealth of God for our age.
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18.  How To Improperly Use The Holy Qur'an In Each Age
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To improperly use the Holy Qur'an in our age is to use the Holy Qur'an for our own personal benefit, for the benefit the life of "separation and differences" that we are currently living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

To improperly use the Holy Qur'an in our age is to use the Qur'an to accumulate personal wealth for our age, like titles, praise, position, and power, or personal things of a similar nature.

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Summary & Text of Chapter 01:
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1.  Introduction

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. Al-hamdu lillah.  May all praise be for God alone. Tawakul Allah.  May we give the entire responsibility for our lives to that One God who is limitless grace and incomparable love.

Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us.  May God fill the lives of all who may read this message.
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2.  The True Message Within the Qur'an - is to bring about brotherhood and unity, to sooth and comfort those who weep in sorrow and suffer, to explain the bounteous wealth of God to those who are poor, and to inspire faith in those without faith in God, and to help them reach a state of reverence for God

To all who say they believe in God, please realize with your faith that God hears every word you say.  God hears your every thought.  Realizing this, speak only what is truth and act only with God's qualities of love, compassion, justice, patience, and the realization that each life is as important as your own.

This is the true message within the Qur'an.  The Qur'an does not cause divisions among God's children.  It exists to bring about brotherhood and unity.

The Qur'an soothes those who weep in sorrow, and gives comfort to those who suffer.  To those who may be poor, it explains the bounteous wealth of God.  It inspires faith in those who may not have believed in God, and helps them reach a state of reverence for God.
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3.  How Not To Use The Qur'an - do not use it as a banner to carry into battle, or as a way to impose or prove your own personal understanding and belief upon others, do not use it in ignorance of the inner wisdom or consciousness of the qualities of God within your own life

Do not wave the words of the Qur'an as though they were a banner you were going to carry into battle.  Do not say,

          "The Qur'an says this, and the Qur'an says that",

Without truly understanding the inner wisdom of God's qualities within your own life.
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4.  The Nature of Iman-Islam - the state of one who has the purity of Islam and the true faith of Iman, the state of one who cannot hurt the heart of another, or view them as separate from his own life

If one has Iman (absolute, complete, unshakable faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists; the complete acceptance of the heart that God is One), he will see the seed of that purity that is Islam within everything.

He will see the power of Allah in every creation.  Therefore, he will not discriminate against another creation or discard him.

Anyone who has the purity of Islam and that true Iman within his heart, (the state of Iman-Islam), cannot hurt the heart of another in any manner.  Instead, he will have the patience of God (sabur) in dealing with others; he will use his gratitude to God (shukur) as the strength with which to comfort others; his praise for God (Al-hamdu lillah) will be the wealth he will share with others; and his total trust in God (tawwakul Allah) will be his own wealth, contentment, and security.
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5.  The Law of the Qur'an - is that only the qualities of God, which are the 99 powers or attributes of the grace of Allah, that God has personally and ever so lovingly hidden within each of us, even before we were born into this world, are permitted in the life a true believer in God, that for one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam, anything existing outside of these qualities of God within us is haram, forbidden, or evil, and only that which exists within these divine qualities of God within us is halal, permissible, or good

He will consider anything that does not exist as the quality of God (known in Islam as Allah's 99 names, attributes, or powers) as forbidden (haram), or evil.  Only that which exists within those divine qualities is permissible (halal), or good.

These attributes of the grace of God are the law of the Qur'an.  These divine attributes are the law within the heart of one who has true Iman, and is truly Islam.
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6.  What Is Against The Law of the Qur'an - is the keeping of anything other than the qualities of God within us, is the keeping of anything other than the 99 attributes or power of the grace of Allah within us

The capture of other lives and attacks against other countries is not the law (of the Qur'an). 

The Rasulullah (Muhammad, the Messenger of God, Sal.) did not try to keep anything other than God.  From the time of his appearance until the time he departed, the only wealth the Rasulullah (Sal.) displayed, and  the only power he showed, was the wealth and the power of God's qualities of compassion and grace.
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7.  Only God Knows All of Everything - and only God can correctly judge the state of anyone, can correctly judge whether a person has Iman (true faith), has perfected his faith in God, and whether a person is living in the true state of Islam, has purified his heart, so don't try and judge the state of other people, groups, or countries, and wage war (jihad or holy war) on them, instead, wage war or jihad only on yourself, only wage war within yourself to defeat the demonic forces and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your own heart

Children of any religion who have true faith must realize that God is the only One who knows all of everything.  Therefore, only God can judge whether a person has Iman (true faith) or not, and whether a person lives with that purity (of heart) that can be called Islam or not.  No one else can give that judgment.

Do not wave your religion like a banner and go out to capture others.  Only one kind of war is permissible in the eyes of God: the war you wage within yourself to defeat the demonic forces of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your heart.
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8.  The Reason God Sent The Qur'an To Each Age - God sent His "Prophets and their Message" to each age as witnesses to the grace and attributes of God given to each age, to support each of us in our inner battle or holy war (jihad) for our age, and to help us to win victory over our own evil desires

God has sent each of the prophets as witnesses to the grace of God (to the Qutbiyyat of God), and as supports to help us in this inner war (jihad).  This is the reason for the Qur'an. 

It is to help the true Muslim fight this inner battle, and to win victory over his own nafs (evil desires) that God sent the Messenger (Sal.) and the Qur'an.
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9.  How Do We Fight Our Inner Holy War, Our Inner Jihad - we must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to make our mind sit down, and then join with our wisdom to defeat our own compulsive desires, transforming our outer battles in the world into the true Holy War (jihad) within us, and in this way, revealing the light of God within our outer darkness, revealing our true life within our false life, revealing our life of "Oneness with" God within our life of "separation from" God, revealing the honey of our life within the bitterness of our life

We must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an (the Nur Muhammad) to spank our own naughty minds and defeat our own compulsive desires.  If we do that, what is called Islam will taste like honey. 

What we do now by battling in the world and calling it Islam tastes bitter and covers the light of the Qur'an (covers the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Qur'an) in darkness.
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10.  The Value of the Light of Islam Within Us - is to reveal the essence of God, which is the Dhat of God (His treasury; His wealth of purity; His grace), in every life, is for each of us to come to the state where we recognize and praise the essence of God, this Dhat of God, as it exists in each and every life

The light of Islam (the Nur Muhammad) should reveal the essence of God (the Dhat of God) in every life.  If we see that essence, then we will live in unity; we will eat from the same plate; we will live as one family whether some are in a church, some are in a mosque, or some are in their homes.

The beggar and the king will be able to pray together.  We will discover our own faults, discard our own anger, and embrace one another with love.  That is what the Qur'an says.

That is why we cannot tell lies, indulge in treachery, or threaten to kill other lives, and claim that it is being done in the name of Islam.

Islam teaches that we must recognize and praise the essence of God (the Dhat of God) as it exists in each and ever life.
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11.  An Explanation of the Truth In The Qur'an - of the truth that is within each of us, if that be our wish, an explanation of the truth of the 99 within the 99, within the 99, within the 99, within the , within each of us living in this age, if we will but realize, understand, accept, and join with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, as the Qutbiyyat of God within us, as the wisdom that explains within us, as the grace of the Dhat of God within us, and in this way, let our soul join with the Light of our wisdom, with the true consciousness of Muhammad (Sal.) within us, with the Nur Muhammad within us, that can be found within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, allowing the Nur Muhammad within us to reveal the Dhat of God, the Essence of God, within all lives within us, within the Creation of God within us, allowing God and True Man to finish what They have started within each of us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in
truth is God and True Man within us

Consider this explanation of the truth that is in the Qur'an:

If you take a tiny atom and split it into 10 million particles, and take one of these particles and examine it with that true wisdom found within Islam, you will see within that one tiny particle 99 particles revolving around one another without touching.

(Note: the 99 are the qualities of God's grace within us, the Asma' al-husna, the form or sifat of the Dhat of God within us, the manifestation of His essence within us, that has been hidden by God within each of us, within the Holy Qur'an within each of us, which when revealed by the Nur Muhammad or wisdom within the Holy Qur'an within
us becomes the Dhat of God within God within us, becomes our innermost heart within our purified heart within us, becomes the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, becomes the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, becomes the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within the Triple Flame of God within us, within -
Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within us, becomes Everything within the Essence of the Power within the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, the next world within this world within us, becomes akhirah within the dunya within us, becomes the arsh al-mu'mim, the Throne of the True Believer, within the Kingdom of God within us.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar)

If you take one of these 99 particles and split it into 5 million particles and examine one of these pieces with that wisdom, again you will see 99 - 99 revolving around one another without touching.

And if you take one of those particles and split it into one million pieces and examine one piece, again you will see the same 99 particles revolving around one another.  If you take one of these and split it into 500,000 pieces, and take one of those particles and split it into 250,000 pieces, and take one of those and split it into 100,000 pieces, and then one of those into 10,000 pieces, and one of those into another 1,000 pieces, and if your take one of those infinitesimal particles and look within it with that wisdom, you will see 99: His 99 wilayats, or divine powers.
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12.  The True Meaning of Islam - is to realize that every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God, and having realized this, without the slightest doubt, to act accordingly, to never harm anyone, to never take revenge or be treacherous toward anyone

Every particle of every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God.  We who are Islam must realize this.  If we reflect on this, anyone who calls himself Islam will never harm anyone.  He will not wreak revenge.  He will not be treacherous toward anyone.

Islam must realize this.  Everyone who has faith in God must realize this.
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13.  What We Must Do To Be True Islam - we must give up our sinful lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God, we must give up the hell caused by our attachments in the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace, we must incorporate the 99 compassionate powers of God as the basis of our actions, and as the law of our life, and in this way, discover God's mercy and compassion within our very own life

All children of God, leave behind all lustful desires, and come to the plentitude of firm faith in God (Iman).  Give up anger, and come to the house of patience (sabur).  Give up the tendency toward vengeance and treachery and come into the house of contentment with God's wealth of grace (shakur).  Give up the hell caused by your attachment to the world, and come into the love of God that is His grace (the house of wisdom, of the Qutbiyyat of God).

Only when you incorporate His 99 compassionate powers, as the basis for your actions, and as the law for your life, can you discover even one atom - one tiny particle - of God's mercy and compassion.

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. Al-hamdu lillah.  May all praise and praising be to God alone, and may we have His peace in our hearts.  Amen.

Signed: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)

End of Spiritual Book 06
- Chapter 01 -
"The True Meaning of Islam"
- Outline & Summary Version -
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                                        Spiritual Book 05 - "The Asma'ul Husna -The 99 Names of God"
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This page was last updated on: November 7, 2003